How to Activate Facebook Video Calling

How to Activate Facebook Video Calling

Facebook rolled out video calling and group chat. Video calling is powered by Skype. and Group chat feature shall be useful if you need to discuss things with multiple persons at once.

Both these features were highly asked for by Facebook users. Facebook was working with Skype from past few month to bring Video calling to Facebook. And now with the launch of Google+ became mandatory for Facebook to bring in both these features to retain its users from migrating to Google+.

I can see people happy and satisfied with the Facebook’s video calling feature. And there can’t be any doubt to it as it’s powered by Skype the most popular online video calling service.

Group Chat feature which is named ‘huddles’ in Google+ is a highly required feature in a social environment. Many a times it is required to chat on a matter with multiple persons at a time. A simple real life example for such a situation would be to plan out a holiday trip with friends or to plan out what movie to see. With the Facebook’s Group chat feature you and your friends can now chat together simultaneously on any matter.

The new chat design includes a sidebar that lists the people you message most. To launch multi-person chat simply select and Add Friends to Chat.

To Video call your friend, just click the video call button at the top of your chat window. Video chat will be available in 70 different languages.

Facebook introduced video calling in collaboration with Skype. This was a much awaited feature. Now you can video call any of your friend inside Facebook itself without going anywhere else. And everything works perfectly and easily. Picture and sound quality is good. Video could be enlarged to full screen.

facebook video calling

Here’s step by step procedure on how to activate video calling in your Facebook profile -

  1. Goto
  2. Click on ‘Get Started’
  3. Select any of your friend from the chat list
  4. Click the video call button
  5. You will then be asked to install an application
  6. Download and install it. (This is only a one time install)
  7. After successful install Facebook will initiate a video call between you and your friend you previously selected.

From now on you only need to follow point 3 and 4 to video call any of your friend.


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